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Young Entrepreneurs of England

Uncovering the UK’s hidden talent with Young Entrepreneurs of England

YEO HeadshotYoung Entrepreneurs of England (YEOEngland) is on a mission to uncover and give the UK’s young talent a voice by creating the go-to platform to support and work with young entrepreneurs.

Full of enthusiasm and ready to take on the world, young entrepreneurs are the budding future leaders, and their entrepreneurial ventures should be taken seriously.

Laura is a South African born entrepreneur who founded the Young Entrepreneurs of England. Laura is on a mission to give the UK’s young talent a voice to be heard on an international level by providing the go-to platform to support and work with young entrepreneurs, small business owners and start-ups. 

Laura believes young people are more entrepreneurial than ever. “More and more young people are wanting to start and grow their own businesses and we, as a society should be doing all we can to ensure that hidden potential is fully realised, and that any external factors – be it family network, experience, and funds, do not stop them. We should be empowering young people to take that first step in becoming an entrepreneur and giving them the space to do it” 

“When I started my own business, I struggled to get my name out there and I couldn’t find a platform to go to that was made for young entrepreneurs where I could advertise my services to a larger audience, build my network and be a part of a like-minded community.”

“That is where the Young Entrepreneurs of England community was born. I wanted to create a place where other people could go to, to be supported and to support other young entrepreneurs and small businesses.”

YEOEngland is so much more than just a name. It is a movement, a community and a source of motivation.

It’s about building strong and valuable connections that uplift and inspire. We are shaping tomorrow’s leaders and paving the way for future success.

YEOEngland is here to give young entrepreneurs a voice, an opportunity to be heard and seen.

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