Olena Williams
Olena Williams is a founder of Social Media School and Olena Williams Media, a digital marketing agency based in Taranaki, New Zealand. She is a communications specialist and a marketing advisor for Taranaki Multi Ethnic Council. She identifies with Ukrainian-Russian-Korean-New Zealander and has a passion for ethnic food and culture. She calls herself the "Ideas Generator and People Connector". She studied at Kharkiv Aerospace University (Ukraine), Massey University (New Zealand), University of Oxford (UK).
Olena specialises in social media marketing and digital events management in New Zealand. She works with celebrities, small business owners, entrepreneurs, and not-for-profit organizations.
Olena is an avid foodie, she is the member of New Zealand Guild of Food Writers. She hosts a weekly radio show devoted to food at The Most FM, Taranaki. https://www.facebook.com/groups/taranakifoodies