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20 Jun 2024

How to Build Content and Links for E-E-A-T in 2024

How to Build Content and Links for E-E-A-T in 2024

It was such a burden when I first started working with the SEO content. Sometimes it appeared as though I was writing only to please Google—Stuffing keywords, adding backlinks, and not considering writing intent.

I always questioned, how is this any better than stuffing food in your mouth knowing you’re full? Is this how Google handles search ranking? Google answered in 2014 by sharing its Quality Rater Guidelines introducing E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) as the major factors.

Again, in 2022, Google added a letter changing it from just E-A-T to E-E-A-T. The extra "E" represented experience.

What I mean is—it’s no longer just the SEO, but making content that real people like to read and trust. In the article, you’ll know exactly how EEAT works and what you need to make it work. Let’s start by understanding the mechanism of EAT.

Understanding E-A-T in Simple Terms

Why E-A-T Matters in Link Building?
How E-A-T Improves Website Credibility?
Strategies to Practice Link Building for E-A-T

In the Nutshell, “How to Win the E-E-A-T”?

Understanding E-A-T in Simple Terms

E-A-T means Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These three factors are what the search engine Google craves. Okay, let’s understand this with a similar example. 

Consider yourself walking on a food street. You're looking for something good to eat as you're hungry. However, how do you decide which place has the best food for you? 

You wouldn't just walk into the first one you come across, after all. I'm sure you would look for things like: 

  • A neat and warm environment (similar to a well-designed, user-friendly website)
  • A menu full of delicious choices (similar to high-quality and rich content)
  • Positive feedback left by customers (similar to backlinks from trustworthy websites)

These attributes are called E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness). Meanwhile, people trust and return to websites with strong E-A-T like they would to a good restaurant.

Let’s go further into these factors-

What is Expertise?

We refer to the depth of knowledge that website content creators possess as expertise. It is the bedrock of credibility and trust, guaranteeing that the data offered is factual, trustworthy, and perceptive.

In simple words—If you have a strong interest in gardening, sharing thorough instructions on plant care, pest management, and gardening tips would show your expertise.

Ways to Achieve ‘Expertise’-
  • Showcase your knowledge and accomplishments through the Author bio page
  • Get reference links from reliable sources that support statements and disputes
  • Prepare content around relevant topics and present them with independent research
  • Collaborating to produce insightful content with reputable subject-matter authorities
What is Authoritativeness?

Authoritativeness in the E-A-T refers to the acceptance and suggestions that other trustworthy sources in your niche have given your website. Similar to having a word of experts saying, "This website is the real deal!"

Being authoritative transforms your website from just another voice in the crowd to a reliable authority, increasing your visibility in search engines.

Ways to Achieve ‘Authoritativeness’-
  • Create content to provide high value to the consumers
  • Participate in online communities, conferences, and forums to establish relationships and earn the trust of other professionals
  • Work together with well-known experts in your field to create content or niche guest posts to engage with different audiences
What is Trustworthiness?

The key component that connects Expertise and Authoritativeness is Trustworthiness. Gaining the trust and respect of your audience is fundamental to being a trustworthy information source. Think of it as an open connection between you and your users, based on values of morality, ethics, and honesty.

Ways to Achieve ‘Trustworthiness’-
  • Optimize and update your content frequently. That's how Wikipedia is at the top of every search result.
  • Address issues and respond to user feedback. Show that you are attentive to the needs of your audience and that you value their opinions.
  • Take ownership of the content you create. Admit errors and make quick corrections to promote accountability and openness.
  • Put user privacy and security first. To gain user trust, put strong security measures in place.
What about the Extra-E?

Experience, the extra E is equally part of EAT now. Assume you are trying to find a video editor who can teach you video editing. Which person would you trust more—someone who simply read about it in a book or someone who has been editing for a long time and is an expert?

That's kind of what 'Experience' means. A trusted expert is not someone who merely possesses knowledge; rather, someone who possesses day-to-day 'know-how' and hands-on practice.

Ways to Achieve ‘Experience’-
  • Use original content that shows your personal experience over time to build trust.
  • Go with case studies and actual customer testimonials. These are living examples of the skills developed via years of satisfied clients.
  • Share your achievements and rewards to connect with your content consumers.


Google E-E-A-T: Optimize Your Content And Eat Up The Competition

Why E-A-T Matters in Link Building?

The pillars of Google's algorithm are experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. For websites hoping to outrank the average and take the top spots, it's more than just a ranking factor. Sites with strong E-E-A-T automatically attract links from authentic websites.

Here's why E-A-T matters in link building:

Quality Links Matter

The days of posting your URL in every forum and directory are long gone. Google highly sought-after quality links, or those originating from websites with a strong E-A-T signal in your niche. 

Consider it as getting your insurance from a well-known company rather than anyone on the list. A link from a trustworthy source in your industry raises your ranking and draws in more natural traffic because it speaks about quality. 

Relevancy Adds Value

The days of uncertain guest blogging practices and link groups are long gone. Links that are relevant to your audience and content are what Google looks for. According to E-A-T, your links ought to improve and add value to your content, making the user's experience more fulfilling rather than distracting.

Reliability Earn Priority

Which would you prefer to trust for medical advice—a well-known physician blog or a random blog? Of course, a physician. In the same way, Google gives links coming from reliable sources priority. Developing connections with well-known websites in your industry, working together on content, and building their trust benefit not only EAT but also your brand.

Sustainability is Key

Gone Are the Days of Easy-to-Fix Links. Because Google restricts unnatural link patterns. It is essential to build links ethically. E-A-T promotes the collection of organic links using partnered connections, interesting interactions, and high-quality content. 

Consider it like slow cooking—the longer you simmer, the more flavorful and fulfilling the food will be in the end.


How E-A-T Improves Website Credibility?

Not only are they independent structures, but connected, creating a network of unbreakable trust-

  • Content that generates backlinks and increases Authoritativeness is driven by expertise
  • Through recognized referrals, authoritativeness increases trustworthiness
  • Being reliable attracts organic traffic and loyal visitors, increasing the website's position as a knowledge source
Strategies to Practice Link Building for E-A-TFocus on Natural Link Building

Building natural links requires patience, time, and care, much like growing a garden. Artificial link building is like fast food in the digital world: it's quick and flavorless.

Creating natural connections is like growing a relationship with other gardeners who value your knowledge. Conversely, artificial links lack the authenticity of real flowers, even though they may look nice. It's like buying synthetic flowers.

Build Relations with Reputable Websites

In the world of digital media, connections are vital. Create partnerships with well-known websites in your industry to increase the visibility and effectiveness of your content. Consider it as conference networking. Making connections with powerful people in your field increases your influence.

Create Reliable and Shareable Content

The main character of your digital story is content. Provide content that is memorable and shareable through links with your audience while also highlighting your area of expertise.

Visuals and infographic content get 100 times better likeability. Not only is it informative, but users also share it because it's visually appealing and simple to understand.

Write Guest Blogs

Your invitation to the royal court is to guest blog. You can demonstrate your expertise and get appreciation from the digital elite by making content that contributes to trustworthy websites in your niche.

It's similar to getting invited to sing on the stage- with this, more people become aware of your expertise.

In the Nutshell, “How to Win the E-E-A-T”?

Here are quick points to sum up how can you win your link-building practices and content creation for E-E-AT—

  • Be an expert and share what you know
  • Show authority and master your niche
  • Be honest and real
  • Think about making content easy for readers

Remember that you are the hero of this never-ending story of digital media. Link building is not a one-day process, and neither is creating it for EEAT. However, as long as you understand, practice, and implement the right ways to do it—It's going to strengthen your website with better search ranking and long-term audience.

FAQs What is Google EEAT?

Google EEAT is Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

What is Authoritativeness in Google EEAT?

Authoritativeness in the E-A-T refers to the acceptance and suggestions that other trustworthy sources in your niche have given your website.

What are the strategies to practice Link Building for EEAT?

The strategies to practice Link Building for EEAT include Focusing on Natural Link Building, Building Relations with Reputable Websites, Creating Reliable and Shareable Content, and Writing Guest Blogs.

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