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5 Practical solutions for women in business to cultivate connection and combat isolation in 2023

5 Practical solutions for women in business to cultivate connection and combat isolation in 2023

Are you feeling isolated and disconnected? If so, you're not alone. Many of us have experienced feelings of isolation, especially over the past couple of years. Whether it's due to working from home, social distancing, or other pandemic-related restrictions, the impact on our mental health has been significant.

But there are ways to combat isolation and stay connected. In this blog post we'll explore some practical tips that can help you feel more connected and less isolated as a woman in business.

#1 Stay Connected

This seems obvious, but without being intentional about staying connected, it’s too easy to fall into familiar rhythms of isolation. Especially if you are naturally an introvert!

So how can you stay connected?

Make an effort to stay connected with others. This can be as simple as scheduling regular phone or video calls with friends and family members. Maybe get in the habit of checking in with your clients, host client mingles and meet in person where possible.  

You can also join online communities or groups that align with your interests or hobbies. These groups can provide a sense of community and belonging, even if you can't meet in person.

The Women’s Business Club are on a mission to combat loneliness and isolation in business through regular Coffee & Coworking events - connecting local business women once a month in local venues for a coffee and a natter whilst you work. Why not check if there’s one near you? 

#2 Prioritise Self-care

When you take care of yourself, you're better equipped to handle the challenges that come with isolation and stress. This can include exercise, meditation, or simply taking a relaxing bath. Start your day with something for you, not with the stress of calls, deadlines or leftover tasks from yesterday. 

#3 Create Routines and Structure for your Day

This can help you feel more productive and purposeful, even if you're not leaving the house as often as you used to. Start and end the day with a walk, if you have a dog you’ll probably see other dog walkers on your route and have an opportunity to connect. Have days when you work from a different location (refer back to the first point!), have a set lunch time where you fully switch off from your work for an hour or so. And very importantly, have a set end of day time and make sure you stick to it - walking away and closing the door at the end of your work day. You’ll find that this will also give you the headspace and the time to socialise more in the evenings or invest in your self care.

Setting goals and breaking them down into smaller tasks can also help you feel a sense of accomplishment and progress in your every day. Celebrate your wins with yourself and others - join an online community where you can share your wins and struggles, get feedback and even perspective. Remember, you don’t have to do this alone! 

#4 Seek the Support you Need

Finally, consider seeking support from a mental health professional if you're struggling with feelings of isolation or anxiety. Therapy can provide a safe and supportive space to explore your emotions and develop strategies for coping with stress and loneliness.

#5 Join the Women’s Business Club

The Women’s Business Club exists to empower women to succeed in business. In 2023 we’re seeing trends of isolation and severe mental health issues in the business world post pandemic and a huge amount of businesses failing. Did you know that 90% of businesses end in failure? Let’s put a stop to this, together! 

No woman has to build a business alone, there is an army ready to stand behind you every step of the way. We want you to succeed! 

Find out more at

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